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  • How were you inspired to create the Connor Neptune character?
    I can’t take all the credit for the name. My son Connor has a habit of naming everyone after a planet. For example, I am Daddy Saturn, mom is Mommy Jupiter, and his brother and sisters all have a planet name. Connor called himself Connor Neptune. It was such a catchy name, I knew I had to do something with it. You can use the link below to purchase books in the Connor Neptune Book series: CLICK HERE TO PURCHASE
  • How many books do you plan on writing in the series?
    I started with Connor’s favorite planet – Jupiter and am writing books about each planet in the solar system. To answer that question, at least eight books, but space has so much to write about I anticipate writing about Connor’s adventures for awhile.
  • Does your son Connor really have Autism?
    Yes. Connor was diagnosed with autism before he was four-years old. He has a twin sister, and we started noticing delays in his development. His sister walked and talked much earlier than Connor did. He could say words but couldn’t put sentences together until he was about 6 or 7. He is currently enrolled in ABA and Speech therapy, and he recently graduated from occupational therapy.
  • If Connor was non-verbal, how did he talk about the solar system?
    To be honest, at first I didn’t know he had a fascination with planets. When he was about 4, he would collect different size balls and line them up in a row. He would use marbles, tennis balls, baseballs, a basketball, and a volleyball. I would find them lined up in different rooms of the house, but they were always in rows of 8, and they were always in the same order. I realized what he was doing one day when he pointed to the basketball and said, “Jupiter!” I was astonished and amazed when I realized what he had been doing the whole time. Thanks to his speech therapy, he can now tell you about each planet and what makes it fascinating and unique.
  • Does a percentage of the book sales go to Connor?
    Yes. An account has been set up for Connor and funds from the books go towards his development and future.
  • Where can I buy the Connor Neptune books?
    The books are currently available on Amazon. Here is a direct link to purchase books in The Many Adventures of Connor Neptune Book series: CLICK HERE TO PURCHASE
  • When did Ryan become an author?
    I became a published author in 2023; however, writing has always been a major part of my life. This is my first go into writing children’s books – seemed only fitting to write children’s books since I have six children. I’ve written many unpublished articles. Prior to writing children’s books, the articles I wrote were more serious in nature. I wrote them to encourage a reflection into the deeper meanings of life and to inspire hope and gratitude to anyone who read them.
  • What is the next planet you will write about in the Connor Neptune series?
    The next planet Connor will visit is none other than Neptune itself! It was the right thing to do to send the title character to the planet from which he drew his name. The third book in the series Connor will be going to Mars.
  • I noticed each book has an underlying message. What inspired you to do that?
    I wanted to leave my son with little words of wisdom that can help him the older he gets. The books are written to describe how awe inspiring space is which is why I chose vivid illustrations; however, the messages I wanted to be a little deeper than fun facts about the planets in Connor’s adventures. I decided to include them in the dedication page to my son. In the first book, the message was “Never Lose Your Sense of Wonder and Imagination.” The message in the second book is, “Problems Are Rarely as Big as They Seem.’ With that said, I would love to hear feedback about what you got out of each book.
Scene in space with rockets, planets and stars
solar system planets set the sun and planets

Join Connor Neptune as he travels the solar system.

He imagines where he wants to go, and poof! He is there.

Connor beholds sights no one has ever seen and brings those

adventures to life in this children's book series.

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